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International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).

The Russian Association of Networks and Services (RANS) is a public and governmental organization, established under Government Order No. 77r dated 19 January 2000. It became a successor of non-governmental organization “Association of Networks and Services”, founded on 30 August 1994.
RANS mission is to use the capacity of its organizations and serve as a catalyst to fulfill the needs for information and communication technologies and IT security technologies, expressed by citizens, business companies and state authorities.
There are approximately 60 organizations in RANS structure. They include carriers, technical equipment producers and suppliers, system integrators, scientific and academic organizations, law and consulting firms, federal executive bodies. RANS works in a wide range of fields.
The main activities could be listed as follows:
developing draft regulations to elaborate ICT infrastructure and providing reliable and secure access to ICT;
conducting ICT research;
∙preparing offers for federal governmental bodies;
preparing expert opinions on draft regulations;
taking part in international standardization;
training and awareness raising activities.
From 1 September 1997, RANS holds a chair at Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, entitled “Electronic Data Interchange Technologies”.
From October 1999, RANS publishes its own informative and analytical “RANS Magazine”.
From August 2011, RANS operates voluntary certification system “Communications – Efficiency”, supported by the Federal Agency of Communications.